Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Spring Writing #2 - Spring Fling Contest Entry - Spring Cleaning

Mom says, “Time for spring cleaning.”
How did spring get dirty?
“We’ll clean out closets,
under our beds,
dust and sort EVERYTHING!”
I pouted.
I read.
I played.
Mom checked on me. She frowned.
“You’re not spring cleaning.”
I groaned.
I made my bed,
put away my toys,
and started to pick up books.
But they wanted to be read, not sit on a shelf.
I read three.
Mom checked on me. She grinned.
“Good start.”
I sighed and put away the books.
I dusted, swept, and hummed a song.
I straightened my keepsakes,
put up my softball equipment,
and danced as I folded clothes.
I opened my curtains and was amazed.
What a bright, clean room!
I could dance and play.
Mom checked on me. She smiled.
“Great job!”
She put a huge pillow in the corner by my books.
It’s my favorite spot
in my spring-cleaned room.


  1. Love this line! "But they wanted to be read, not sit on a shelf." So true. :)

  2. "How did spring get dirty?" So sweet and kid-like. I enjoyed your story and GIF. Good luck!

  3. Nicely done! I could never get my daughter to accomplish spring cleaning her room. Good luck!

  4. Oh my goodness! Like your protagonist, I always find a way to procrastinate when it comes to spring cleaning. Books do want to be read!!!! Loved this.

  5. Haha, I think we can all relate to not wanting to clean (and wanting to read instead) but loving the end result, and what an awesome gif you found! Thank you so much for entering this sweet discovery story into the Spring Fling Kidlit Contest -- Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez
