Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Heavy Heart-Praying Hearts

I come today with a heavy heart. Yesterday I was contacted by two of my former students, and my heart is breaking. One is watching his friends choose to walk into some serious darkness, and the other has gone there himself.

It is easy to get caught up in the rhetoric of the day and have opinions about right and wrong and how to fix this or that, but the truth is, our battle is not against each other. Our battle is against a common enemy who is trying to steal this generation away from the Truth, from God, and from relationships; kill their hopes, dreams, and ambition; and who is trying to destroy all that is good on this earth!

Why are we discussing instead of taking it to the One who can help? I have not prayed enough. I have not lifted up these who I knew did not know God and needed Him so desperately. I've watched them leave my classroom, graduate, and go out into a world that just wants to devour them.

I didn't pray consistently for their protection. I didn't acknowledge how unfair and evil our enemy is. I didn't do my job as a Christian teacher to lift up my students consistently and persistently before the throne of God. I naively didn't realize how tough it would be for them. I tried to prepare them the best way I knew how, but I missed the most important element.

That changes here today. I've prayed, but not like I feel we need to. I think of the stories of grandmothers who cried out for their children's and grandchildren's lives for years and never stopped believing God could heal and restore. We've got to do the same. Who else will do it? Their parents need God too. They aren't praying for them. Generations have not known Jesus, so no one is praying for them unless we do.

The enemy is filling their media (music, television, gaming, etc) with such darkness, and especially as young adults and teens, I really believe this has an affect especially when we consider how often and how readily it is available to everyone. The darkness of what our kids are feeding into their minds makes my heart weep.

I was thinking about the verse we all quote about prayer in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NLT), "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."

I know I am not responsible for the choices adults make. They are responsible before God. BUT, this verse puts the responsibility squarely in our court for seeing God's restoration and healing in our land. He's not telling us to fix "them" or fight for change, rights, or any other unjust situation. He is calling us very clearly to pray, to seek His face, and to humbly repent.

I've already been praying twice a day for this, but now I feel like I've seen what the enemy is doing and need to pray more specifically.

How about you? Will you join me? Will you allow God to break your heart for this generation? Will you come before the throne of God with me crying for their protection and futures? Will you humble yourself and admit your own sin and need?

If not you and me, then who?

7:14 am and 7:14 pm, let's pray! Get a small group together to join you. Every revival I know of has started with a small group praying. We need God. He is our Hope.
